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A peptide library, or peptide library for short, is a collection of different peptides. Peptide libraries are widely used in the rapidly developing proteomics and related fields, such as drug development, GPCR ligand screening, protein-protein interaction, protein functional analysis, nucleic acid binding, enzyme substrate or inhibitor screening, antigen epitope screening, messenger molecule development and peptide/protein signal answering, etc., all of which require high quality peptide libraries.

To meet your need for purity of different peptide libraries, we have developed two library service packages: the crude peptide library and the purified peptide library.

Note: * Delivery time refers to working days; If the number of polypeptide strips is more, the production time will be extended appropriately;
** can be delivered in peptide pool form upon request.

Epitope mapping and validation of antibodies
Protein-peptide binding analysis
Bioassay of polypeptides Study on T cell epitope
Mapping and validation of T cell epitopes
Development of polypeptide vaccines
Vaccine efficacy test Surveillance of immunity
Optimization and validation of T-cell assay
Cell therapy approach